Why Concrete Cost Estimating Matters

Unlocking career opportunities.

In construction, concrete structures are the backbone of any project, often dictating the schedule and the scope of work that general contractors prefer to self-perform. Becoming skilled in cost estimating for concrete structures is not just a valuable asset—it’s a game-changer for your career. If it feels overwhelming at first, don’t worry. It’s simpler than it seems, and this course is here to guide you every step of the way. Let’s turn what seems complex into a skill you’ll confidently master.

What You Will Learn

    1. 1.1 Course Structure

    2. 1.2 Course Expected Outcome

    3. 1.3 Certificates and Gold Seal Program Credits

    4. 1.4 A Word From Your Instructor

    5. 1.5 Expected Level of Effort to Completion

    6. 1.6 Evaluation Matrix

    7. 1.7 Prerequisites

    8. 1.8 Assignment - General Knowledge

    1. 2.0 Introduction

    2. 2.1 Project Documentation Review

    3. 2.1 Project Documentation Review - Quiz

    4. 2.2 Tender Requirements

    5. 2.2 Tender Requirements Quiz

    6. 2.3 Bid Closing Procedures

    7. 2.3 Bid Closing Procedures Quiz

    8. 2.4 Site Conditions Evaluation

    9. 2.4 Site Conditions Evaluation Quiz

    10. 2.5 Market Conditions Evaluation

    11. 2.5 Market Conditions Evaluation Quiz

    12. 2.6 Assignment

    1. 3.0 Introduction

    2. 3.1 Components of Concrete Structures

    3. 3.1 Components of Concrete Structures - Quiz

    4. 3.2 Essential Design Considerations for Cost Estimators

    5. 3.2 Essential Design Considerations for Cost Estimators - Quiz

    6. 3.3 Material Properties (Concrete, Reinforcing Steel)

    7. 3.3 Material Properties (Concrete, Reinforcing Steel) - Quiz

    8. 3.4 Introduction to Safety Measures and Regulations

    9. 3.4 Introduction to Safety Measures and Regulations - Quiz

    10. 3.5 Assignment

    1. 4.0 Introduction

    2. 4.1 Types of Formwork

    3. 4.1 Types of Formwork - Quiz

    4. 4.2 Formwork Systems and Project Types

    5. 4.2 Formwork and Types of Projects - Quiz

    6. 4.3 Formwork Quantity Take-offs

    7. 4.3 Formwork Quantity Take-offs - Quiz

    8. 4.4 Formwork Construction Activities

    9. 4.4 Formwork Construction Activities - Quiz

    10. 4.5 Formwork Crews and Production Rates

    11. 4.5 Formwork Crews and Production Rates - Quiz

    12. 4.6 Formwork Cost Development

    13. 4.6 Formwork Cost Development - Quiz

    14. 4.7 Access, Safety and Work Platforms

    15. 4.7 Access, Safety and Work Platforms - Quiz

    16. 4.8 Assignment

    1. 5.0 Introduction

    2. 5.1 Concrete Quantity Take-offs

    3. 5.1 Concrete Quantity Take-offs - Quiz

    4. 5.2 Concrete Accessories

    5. 5.2 Concrete Accessories - Quiz

    6. 5.3 Construction Activities - Concrete Placing

    7. 5.3 Construction Activities - Concrete Placing - Quiz

    8. 5.4 Construction Activities - Concrete Finishing

    9. 5.4 Construction Activities - Concrete Finishing - Quiz

    10. 5.5 Construction Activities - Concrete Curing

    11. 5.5 Construction Activities - Concrete Curing - Quiz

    12. 5.6 Crews and Production Rates - Concrete Placing

    13. 5.6 Crews and Production Rates - Concrete Placing - Quiz

    14. 5.7 Crews and Production Rates - Concrete Finishing

    15. 5.7 Crews and Production Rates - Concrete Finishing - Quiz

    16. 5.8 Crews and Production Rates - Concrete Curing

    17. 5.8 Crews and Production Rates - Concrete Curing - Quiz

    18. 5.9 Cost Development - Concrete Placing

    19. 5.9 Cost Development - Concrete Placing - Quiz

    20. 5.10 Cost Development - Concrete Finishing

    21. 5.10 Cost Development - Concrete Finishing - Quiz

    22. 5.11 Cost Development - Concrete Curing

    23. 5.11 Cost Development - Concrete Curing - Quiz

    24. 5.12 Assignment

    1. 6.0 Introduction

    2. 6.1 Reinforcing Steel Quantity Take-offs

    3. 6.1 Reinforcing Steel Quantity Take-offs - Quiz

    4. 6.2 Reinforcing Steel Fabrication

    5. 6.2 Reinforcing Steel Fabrication - Quiz

    6. 6.3 Reinforcing Steel Placement and Bonding

    7. 6.3 Reinforcing Steel Placement and Bonding - Quiz

    8. 6.4 Reinforcing Steel Construction Activities

    9. 6.4 Reinforcing Steel Construction Activities - Quiz

    10. 6.5 Reinforcing Steel Crews and Production Rates

    11. 6.5 Reinforcing Steel Crews and Production Rates - Quiz

    12. 6.6 Reinforcing Steel Cost Development

    13. 6.6 Reinforcing Steel Cost Development - Quiz

    14. 6.7 Assignment

About this course

  • $1,170.00
  • Total time commitment to complete this course: 90 hours.
  • Course format: text, presentations, audio, downloadable PDF's.

Collaboration is Essential

The benefit of timely feedback.

All lessons have a dedicated discussion section so you can ask questions, see previously answered questions, interact with other course participants and your instructor. You do not have to go through this learning journey alone or have to ponder on unanswered questions.

Message From the Course Creator

Doina Dobre, P.Eng., GSC

Concrete structures demand substantial labour, making them a high-risk, labour-intensive aspect of construction for contractors. As a result, the ability to accurately estimate costs for concrete structures is highly sought after in the industry. This advanced-level course draws on expert field experience to teach you the critical thinking process behind concrete cost estimating. Check out the Instructors tab in the top menu to view Doina's bio.